Author's Guidelines
Environmental Reports Journal adheres to the ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals and COPE’s best practice guidelines. Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the journal’s policies prior to submission.
This page includes: Scope of the Journal, Manuscript Submission, Editorial Procedure and Peer-Review, Preprints, Article Types, Preparation of Manuscript, Authorship and Acknowledgements, Conflicts of Interest, Funding Sources, Originality and Plagiarism, Reporting Standards, Data Access and Retention, Ethical Approvals, Article Processing Charges.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted by any author, preferably the corresponding author, through our online manuscript submission system. Acknowledgment of receipt will be provided for all submissions. Authors must ensure their manuscripts comply with the journal’s formatting guidelines. Manuscripts not adhering to these guidelines may be rejected.
Please include the following documents for submission:
- Cover letter
- Title page
- Graphical abstract
- Main manuscript file (anonymized)
- Figures and tables
- Conflict of interest form
- Authorship contribution form
- Supplementary materials (if applicable)
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