Revitalizing Degraded Rural Landscapes: Approaches and Strategies for Ecological Restoration

To obtainstablevegetalcoverthrough the restoration of degraded ecosystems, attention to soil microbes and to the interactionsbetweenplants and microorganisms essential forbetterplant establishment.Sincethe understanding of natural regeneration or artificial plantations of vegetalcommunities together with advances in the study and use of mycorrhizas a common factor for restoration programs,newrehabilitationeffortshave increased worldwide.Mostplant species are mycorrhizal including plantations of trees andgrasses,which are degraded due to the increasing use of vegetation to fuel wood, and toagricultureandcattle.This study reviews current information on the restoration of degraded landscapes., mainly by conventional agriculture. Mechanisms through which restoration may be conductedare discussed as well as research necessary for the increased understanding of microbial benefits.